Lyn's Journey to 8

A Weight Loss Adventure

Mission Complete – 10 Days on the Master Cleanse

I completed the minimum 10 days on the Master Cleanse. I feel great! I’m very happy that I was able to stick to the diet and the results are evident, both physically and mentally. I have come to the realization that the purpose of this cleanse is to “reset” to a state where you can do the right thing when it comes to what you put into your body. During my 10 days on the MC, I thought I would have been tired or even cranky, but I was my usual pleasant self. The strangest thing of all is that coming off the cleanse – I don’t feel starving. I’m at peace.

So as usual, in order for me to complete certain tasks, I like to create a certain workflow and also ensure that what I’m working with is visually appealing. I do the same for my cooking. Here are the items I used for the Master Cleanse (as shown in the picture):

Master Cleanse Tools

Master Cleanse Herbal Teas












– 20 lemons (1 lemon gave me exactly 6tbsp juice, so 2 lemons per day)

– Organic Cayenne Pepper

– Organic Maple Syrup

– 2 Glass drinking canisters (one for water, one for lemonade)

– 1 Glass jug

– 1 Juicer

– 1 Sieve and 2 measuring spoons ( 1 Tablespoon, 1/2 Teaspoon)

– 1 Small bowl to collect lemon juice

– Organic Herbal Laxative

– Organic Peppermint Tea

– Sea Salt (not shown)

Lemonade (single Serving): 8 oz filtered water, 2 tbsp Lemon Juice, 2 tbsp Maple Syrup, 1/10 tsp Cayenne Pepper

Lemonade (full day supply): 60 oz filtered water, 12tbsp Lemon Juice, 12 tbsp Maple Syrup, 1tsp Cayenne Pepper

Every day, I would make 2 batches because I didn’t have a jug large enough to hold 60oz. I also found that it kept me active in the kitchen. You know, juicing and straining :-).  I knew I’d find use for that juicer someday! (It was a wedding gift received in 2000).

Lemonade (half day supply): 30 oz filtered water, 6tbsp Lemon Juice, 6tbsp Maple Syrup, 1/2tsp Cayenne Pepper

Salt Water Flush: 32oz warm filtered water, 2 tsp sea salt

Preparation for the Master Cleanse

The weekend before the MC, I drank lots of water. I had to force myself as I do not drink enough water on a regular basis. I also refrained from consuming meat. I kept my meals very simple. The day before the cleanse I gave the Salt Water Flush a test run. It took me 40 minutes to drink it. It was absolutely terrible! But it works! My tummy started to rumble before I even finished. When I was finished drinking, I lay on my right side and within minutes I was bolting to the bathroom. This experience caused me to realize that I need the herbal laxative tea. There was no way I was going to drink the salt water daily for 10 days.

Master Cleanse 10 Day summary

Day 1: Started with the Salt Water Flush. Starting weight: 144lbs. Sipped Lemonade all day. Felt weak and tired by early evening. Slept for 2 hours and felt better. Felt dizzy/light headed around 10pm. Went to bed early.

Day2: 144lbs. Started with Mint Tea. Sipped Lemonade all day. Extreme headache around 3pm. But I learned that sipping lemonade regularly keeps headaches at bay. Herbal tea before bed.

Day 3: 142lbs. Woke up with the urge to get to the bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. Felt a bit hungry today. Short lived headache. Otherwise, fine. Routine is established.

Day 4: 140lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. I woke up feeling heavily congested, but I didn’t feel sick. Other than that, a decent day.

Day 5: 138lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. I woke up feeling drained and congested. Was able to manage though. No headaches today.

Day 6: 137lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. Woke up feeling much better – less congestion.

Day 7: 136lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. Woke up a little congested but in good spirits. Feeling pretty good by lunch time.

Day 8: 136lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. Thought about doing exercise but decided not to. I felt like my energy level could have handled it though.

Day 9: 135lbs. Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, herbal tea before bed. Feeling GREAT! I need to get some oranges for the next phase!

Day 10: 135lbs. Salt water flush (for old time’s sake) Bathroom. Mint tea, lemonade, and mint tea before bed. I’m done with you, laxative.

I was supposed to have the laxative tea once before bed and again first thing in the morning. However I found that the tea taken at night caused me to go several times during the day (approx 3). So I refrained from having it in the morning, as I could only imagine what my nights would be like. I was also supposed to take the salt water flush every morning. But why, though? I did not do this.

Another thing I didn’t do, and I can’t believe I forgot to do this. I did not measure myself during this process! I feel that the change was more visible in my waist, hips and thighs. I lost 9lbs during the 10 days.

Over all, this was a very good experience for me and I will likely do it again. If I don’t do this particular cleanse, perhaps I will try another as there are many options available. But I think it’s a good thing to do annually. The next step is to prepare my body for the consumption of food.

More to come. Hopefully a shorter post 🙂


November 12, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 4 Comments